The Oracle’s Decree
- Converted from the original adventure by Michael Prescott.
- Credit to Gio Il Mago.
Heelan Bandits
5 HP, 1 Armor, 17 CHA, staves or bronze knives (d6)
2 HP, STR 3, bite (d8)
Water Shades
1 HP, Armor 1
Hunting party
5 HP, 1 Armor, CHA 17, staves or bronze knives (d6), spears (d6), detachment
Sand Sprites
2 HP, dagger and small spears (d4) or charm, detachment
Brass Golems
5 HP, axe (d6)
- Unharmed by gas; unaffected by Charm, Hold, and Sleep spells.
- Stop working after 10 minutes
- Immune to mundane weapons
- Falling Block Trap: d8 damage
- Spiked Pit: d6 damage
- Weakening: Ray d6 damage
Hardboiled Spear
- Blood catches fire, as fire oil, d6 damage ongoing
- d20 STR damage to all who hear it if struck, roll for each target.
Charioteer’s Helm
- d20 CHA damage, if you have CHA left you’re attuned.
Note: This adventure notably lacks treasure, you might want to add some